GSE-R-US provides full-service aircraft ground support equipment and support to the aviation industry worldwide. Offering equipment with 3 levels of quality design allows customers to choose a product that meets their budget and perceived value expectations.
Equipment is offered in 3 tiers of design quality:
1. Operational – equipment is running and tested to meet performance requirements
2. Refurbished – equipment is brought back to manufacturer’s specifications and performance specifications; major components replaced as necessary, tested, and painted
3. New – equipment offered in new or “like new” status from a set list of distributors
In addition to equipment offerings, GSE-R-US offers:
a) Replacement parts for sale
b) Repair services
c) Maintenance contracts with the local airports
GSE-R-US has been in the industry of ground support equipment sales since 1998. We have performed maintenance contracts with recognized clients such as FedEx and the GTAA.
Our Core values:
a) Reliable customer service – clients who connect with GSE-R-US will be provided with options that meet their specific needs
b) Durability – product sales will live up to intended perceived value; the customer’s “performance for the dollar”
c) Trustworthy repair/maintenance services for local GSE users (Canada / Northeastern USA)
d) Innovation – we strive to add value whenever or wherever possible
Our Vision:
GSE-R-US will be the preferred one-stop shop for aircraft ground support equipment products and services worldwide.
Our Mission:
To provide reliable and durable aircraft ground support equipment, parts, and services to consumers who require the most value for their money.
GSE-R-US PARTSGSE-R-US provides a parts supply service for common replacement items for your ramp equipment.
Distributor For